Tolikara Today

  • Persiapan Pemda Tolikara menyambut kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua

    Rencana kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua, Barnabas Suebu, SH ke kabupaten Tolikara yang direncanakan bulan Juni 2007, maka Pemda Tolikara telah melakukan persiapan-persiapan antara lain: pembentukan panitia penyambutan.

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  • Promosikan Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo Bangun Website

    "Untuk mempromosikan potensi-potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo, Rabu (28/3) Sore memperkenalkan website Kabupaten Tolikara membangun, yang bertempat di Meeting Room Swiss-Belhotel Jayapura.  Dengan demikian, Kabupaten Tolikara mencatatkan dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kabupaten baru di Papua yang telah membangun jaringan internet di wilayah bumi cenderawasih ini.

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2007-04-01Statistics started:
Pattern of Trade and Economic Interaction

The Regency of Tolikara is a region whose economic structure is homogenous, namely economic structure dominated by agriculture sector. Homogeneity in the regional economic structure and constraints in transportation facilities and infrastructures finally affect the pattern of commodity trade in which interaction of inter¬regional agricultural commodity trade is carried out through small scale trades. The pattern of trade in the Regency of Tolikara can be differentiated into the pattern of trade from production centers and the pattern of trade which is based on the goods collection activities from the trade centers. Movement resulting from both activities is as follows:

  • Pattern of trade from production centers moves toward the trade centers and ends at the main trade center, namely the City of Karubaga constituting the capital of the Regency of Tolikara.

  • Pattern of trades for goods collection activities mostly based in the City of Karubaga and then spread to the subsequent trade centers (Wamena, Regency of Jawawijaya).

Hence internally, before the agricultural commodity in the Regency of Tolikara is traded, the agricultural product commodity originating from the production centers from the district / village / hamlet is traded first to the capital of regency as center of trade.