Agricultural sector constitutes the most dominant sector mostly developing in the economic structure of the Regency of Tolikara due to the fact that this region is agrarian region and its people mostly work in agricultural sector. Besides, this sector also constitutes the sector that has big potential to be directed to become leading sector for the economy in the Regency of Tolikara. This sector covers staple food plants, animal farming and fishery and plantation sub sectors.
a. Wet Land Agricultural Sub SectorKinds of food plants exploited by the people in the Regency of Tolikara cover rice, non staple food crops, and horticulture plants (vegetables and fruits). In 2003, it was recorded that the Dry Field Rice plants in the area of 0.04 Km2 had been cultivated by the people with the production of 5.57 tons. Whereas, non staple food crops in the area of 107.82 Km2 gave a production amounting to 98,827.81 tons whereas the horticulture plants (vegetables and fruits) in the area of 216.78 Km2 gave a production of 186,387.51 tons.
b. Animal farming Sub SectorAnimal farming sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara is not so prominent compared to the food plants sub sector. Species of animal raised cover cow, goat, pig, non pedigreed chicken, and mandarin ducks. Population of non pedigreed chickens is the biggest compared to other species of animal. The animal farming sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara in 2003 gave a meat production of 238.37 tons, i.e. a record of 28,575 animals.
c. Fishery Sub SectorThe people's economic activities in fishery sub sector are not so prominent in the Regency of Tolikara. The productionin2004reached229.10tonsintheareaof1.41 km2 in coast fishery activities, i.e. fish ponds. This fishery sub sector has been exploited by 155 farmer groups 1 2,978 households as members.
d. Plantation Sub SectorActivities in plantation sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara cover small holders' estates. The production of these estates is coffee in the area of 1,020 Km2 in 2004 with the total production of 20.19 tons exploited by 1,540 Heads of Family.