Tolikara Today

  • Persiapan Pemda Tolikara menyambut kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua

    Rencana kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua, Barnabas Suebu, SH ke kabupaten Tolikara yang direncanakan bulan Juni 2007, maka Pemda Tolikara telah melakukan persiapan-persiapan antara lain: pembentukan panitia penyambutan.

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  • Promosikan Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo Bangun Website

    "Untuk mempromosikan potensi-potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo, Rabu (28/3) Sore memperkenalkan website Kabupaten Tolikara membangun, yang bertempat di Meeting Room Swiss-Belhotel Jayapura.  Dengan demikian, Kabupaten Tolikara mencatatkan dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kabupaten baru di Papua yang telah membangun jaringan internet di wilayah bumi cenderawasih ini.

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2007-04-01Statistics started:
Economic Condition

Economic Structure | Conditions of Economic Sector Activities | Pattern of Trade and Economic Interaction

1. Economic Structure Tolikara Regency

Based on calculation, in 2003 the PDRB of Tolikara Regency has a value of 130,037.98 (millions rupiah).

Source: PDRB Tolikara Regency, 2003

From the table, it is seen that the agricultural sector has a contribution of 74.28% in 2003. The contribution in that amount consists of the sub sector Foodstuff Crops 70.15%, the sub sector animal husbandry and its product 3.54% and the sub sector fishery 0.59%. The services sector gives a contribution of 17.15%, the hotel and restaurant trading sector has a contribution of 3.68%. That contribution is only from the sub sector trading.

From the description of the economic structure mentioned above, it can be said that the economic structure in Tolikara Regency relies on the agricultural sector, especially foodstuff crop, animal husbandry and fishery sub sectors.

Associated with the above, besides the total PDRB, the slowing population growth can enhance income per capita because it can enhance the distribution of PDRB. It appears that this PDRB per capita in the Regency of Tolikara in 2003 reached the nominal value of 2,954,401.45 rupiah.

Primary sector is obtained when the output generated constitutes an initial (base) level process, such as agriculture, mining and excavation sectors. The secondary sector is the economic activities the production cost (input) of which mostly come from primary sector. This sector comprises among other things processing industry, electricity and drinking water, and building sectors. Whereas the tertiary sector covers trade, hotel, restaurant sector, transportation and communication sector, financial, rental and corporate sector, and service sector. Therefore, the contribution from primary sector group in the establishment of Gross Regional Domestic Product of the Regency amounts to 74.65%. The second contribution is

Source : PDRB Tolikara Regency, 2003

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2. Conditions of Economic Sector Activities

Agricultural sector constitutes the most dominant sector mostly developing in the economic structure of the Regency of Tolikara due to the fact that this region is agrarian region and its people mostly work in agricultural sector. Besides, this sector also constitutes the sector that has big potential to be directed to become leading sector for the economy in the Regency of Tolikara. This sector covers staple food plants, animal farming and fishery and plantation sub sectors.

a.    Wet Land Agricultural Sub Sector

Kinds of food plants exploited by the people in the Regency of Tolikara cover rice, non staple food crops, and horticulture plants (vegetables and fruits). In 2003, it was recorded that the Dry Field Rice plants in the area of 0.04 Km2 had been cultivated by the people with the production of 5.57 tons. Whereas, non staple food crops in the area of 107.82 Km2 gave a production amounting to 98,827.81 tons whereas the horticulture plants (vegetables and fruits) in the area of 216.78 Km2 gave a production of 186,387.51 tons.

b.    Animal farming Sub Sector

Animal farming sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara is not so prominent compared to the food plants sub sector. Species of animal raised cover cow, goat, pig, non pedigreed chicken, and mandarin ducks. Population of non pedigreed chickens is the biggest compared to other species of animal. The animal farming sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara in 2003 gave a meat production of 238.37 tons, i.e. a record of 28,575 animals.

c.     Fishery Sub Sector

The people's economic activities in fishery sub sector are not so prominent in the Regency of Tolikara. The productionin2004reached229.10tonsintheareaof1.41 km2 in coast fishery activities, i.e. fish ponds. This fishery sub sector has been exploited by 155 farmer groups 1 2,978 households as members.

d.     Plantation Sub Sector

Activities in plantation sub sector in the Regency of Tolikara cover small holders' estates. The production of these estates is coffee in the area of 1,020 Km2 in 2004 with the total production of 20.19 tons exploited by 1,540 Heads of Family. [ Top ]

3. Pattern of Trade and Economic Interaction

The Regency of Tolikara is a region whose economic structure is homogenous, namely economic structure dominated by agriculture sector. Homogeneity in the regional economic structure and constraints in transportation facilities and infrastructures finally affect the pattern of commodity trade in which interaction of inter¬regional agricultural commodity trade is carried out through small scale trades. The pattern of trade in the Regency of Tolikara can be differentiated into the pattern of trade from production centers and the pattern of trade which is based on the goods collection activities from the trade centers. Movement resulting from both activities is as follows:

  • Pattern of trade from production centers moves toward the trade centers and ends at the main trade center, namely the City of Karubaga constituting the capital of the Regency of Tolikara.

  • Pattern of trades for goods collection activities mostly based in the City of Karubaga and then spread to the subsequent trade centers (Wamena, Regency of Jawawijaya).

Hence internally, before the agricultural commodity in the Regency of Tolikara is traded, the agricultural product commodity originating from the production centers from the district / village / hamlet is traded first to the capital of regency as center of trade. [ Top ]