Population and Population Distribution | Population Density | Demographical Structure | Social Cultural Condition of Local Communities 1. Population and Population Distribution Population in Tolikara Regency in 2005 is 147,750 persons distributed in 10 districts. From the table, it is seen that Karubaga District has the highest population. [ Top ] 2. Population Density Observed from population density, the area of Tolikara Regency has low population density, with an average density reaching 10 Persons/Km2. The district with highest density in the area of Tolikara Regency is Umagi District (17 Persons/Km2). While Bokondini District has the lowest density level, i.e. about 6 Persons/Km2. [ Top ] 3. Demographical Structure a. Population Structure By Sex The ratio between males and females in Tolikara Regency can be said to be balanced or equal; this is seen from the sex ratio which is 100%. b. Population Structure By Age Group Specifically population by age group in Tolikara Regency is not available, but qualitatively based on data from Tolikara Regency In Figures, 2004, it can be said that productive-[rt age population (15 64 years) is larger, i.e. 73,075 persons (67.81%), than non productive-age population of 134,689 persons (32.19%). The dependency level between non productive-age group and productive-age group is still categorized as low; this can be seen from the dependency level figure (Dependent Burden Figure) between non productive-age group and productive-age group of 47.47% c. Population Structure By Religion Protestant is the majority religion followed by the community of Tolikara Regency, i.e. approximately 99.62%, and about0.38% are Moslems. POPULATION IN TOLIKARA REGENCY, 2005
Source: Administration of Tolikara Regency, Administrative Area Data. 2005 [ Top ] 4. Social Cultural Condition of Local Communities Population heterogeneity in the area of Tolikara Regency is relatively still limited, with the domination of indigenous tribes. In general, other tribes working as government apparatus and in the private sector came from other regencies in Papua Province or from the outside of Papua Province and usually lived in urban areas. Indigenous tribes occupying the area of Tolikara Regency are Lani Tribe living in most of the areas of Tolikara Regency and a small part of Kwiyon Tribe, Kwabaki Tribe and Gem Tribe at the north side of Tolikara Regency. a. Control over Land Populations of the Lani tribe recognize two patterns of control over land, i.e. individual control and communal control. The individual ownership and control right applies to lands being a place for settlement or crops. While what is regarded as the communal right is primary forest, tress growing wildly, animals living in the primary forest. b. Natural Environmental Classification By Populations of the Lani Tribe Populations of the Lani Tribe divide nature into two parts, soil and water, and into 14 categories referring to the local knowledge system of the locals. They divide the natural environment based on economic values and physical characteristics. A Lani people will use a set of these categories when talking in the context of their laws. Thus, the local population classification system can be regarded as rules regarding control over land. c. Aspirations of Inhabitants Towards Development In general, the aspirations of the inhabitants towards development are quite positive. In general, inhabitants can accept a helping hand to improve them. Indeed, in responding to development there is still a difference between a region that has previously related to the outside world (especially urban areas) and the hinterlands. However, such difference still has a positive meaning, meaning that they can still accept development. Real direct development activities are desired more than the long-term ones, such as pilot development of agriculture, health and education for SDM development. There are still many sectors promising a future whose success are still doubted, especially if they once experienced a failure. A direct approach to individuals is liked more than a patron-client relationship pattern. [ Top ]