Tolikara Today

  • Persiapan Pemda Tolikara menyambut kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua

    Rencana kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua, Barnabas Suebu, SH ke kabupaten Tolikara yang direncanakan bulan Juni 2007, maka Pemda Tolikara telah melakukan persiapan-persiapan antara lain: pembentukan panitia penyambutan.

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  • Promosikan Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo Bangun Website

    "Untuk mempromosikan potensi-potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo, Rabu (28/3) Sore memperkenalkan website Kabupaten Tolikara membangun, yang bertempat di Meeting Room Swiss-Belhotel Jayapura.  Dengan demikian, Kabupaten Tolikara mencatatkan dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kabupaten baru di Papua yang telah membangun jaringan internet di wilayah bumi cenderawasih ini.

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2007-04-01Statistics started:
Land Utilization and Potential Natural Resources

Land Utilization | Agriculture | Tourism

Characteristics of Land System

Characteristic of Land System
Land system is a geographical area having special characteristics. Land system is identified using indicators:
ecological factors, morphology, rock structure and soil, and climate. In the area of Totikara Regency there are 8 characteristics of land system. Each characteristic of the land system has uniqueness so that potential identification and land suitability can accurately be conducted. Land systems found in Tolikara Regency based on results of the Report study for all areas of Papua Province conducted in 1986 will be made a basis for making an analysis of land suitability and capacity.

1. Land Utilization

In the area of Tolikara Regency, land utilization is mostly dominated by forest having an area of about 12,005 Km2 or approximately 82.43% of its area, consisting of Protection Forest, Conversion Production Forest and Normal Production Forest, Nature Reserve and Lorenz National Park, while the rest is allocated to settlements, rice fields and agriculture. In addition, other lands are used for meadows. [ Top ]

2. Agriculture

The area of Tolikara Regency has land having potential for development as agricultural land in the form of food crop farming including dry field rice and tubers, crops (corn, sweet potato, cassava, ground nut, and soybean) and horticultural plant species, i.e. vegetables spreading in each district.

Source: Tolikara Regency in Figures, 2004, *Data still refer to the main district

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3. Tourism

In the area of Tolikara Regency there are potential tourist objects that can be developed to improve the regional economic sector.   Such potential natural resources include nature tourism whose handling, in general, is not well managed yet, because the tourist objects are not supported by adequate accessibility, insufficient promotion, limited accommodation and insufficient experience in managing tourism.

Several of the quite potential tourist objects to be developed in the area of Tolikara Regency are as follows:

  • Biuk Lake
    The location of this tourist object is near to Karubaga City and Kuari City. In addition to being able to be used as a place for sporting and fishing, this Biuk Lake also has beautiful landscape.

  • Nature Reserve and Lorenz National Park
    This nature reserve, Lorenz National Park is located in mountainous plains. Given this area of nature reserve and Lorenz National Park imposed with the prohibition of taking the protected fauna and flora and low accessibility level, tourist visits to this location are still very limited.

  • Mount Timorini (Black Valley)
    This tourist location is in Panaga District, as the stage II expedition site in the primitive era in the area ofSuku Lani Utara in the framework of climbing Mount Trikora and the entrepot of the Bible in the Hinterland.

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