Tolikara Today

  • Persiapan Pemda Tolikara menyambut kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua

    Rencana kunjungan Gubernur Provinsi Papua, Barnabas Suebu, SH ke kabupaten Tolikara yang direncanakan bulan Juni 2007, maka Pemda Tolikara telah melakukan persiapan-persiapan antara lain: pembentukan panitia penyambutan.

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  • Promosikan Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo Bangun Website

    "Untuk mempromosikan potensi-potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara, Bupati John Tabo, Rabu (28/3) Sore memperkenalkan website Kabupaten Tolikara membangun, yang bertempat di Meeting Room Swiss-Belhotel Jayapura.  Dengan demikian, Kabupaten Tolikara mencatatkan dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kabupaten baru di Papua yang telah membangun jaringan internet di wilayah bumi cenderawasih ini.

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2007-04-01Statistics started:
Hydrology and Carrying Capacity of Water Resources

As a regency located at a height (upland) and in the Watershed of Mamberamo and Baliem Rivers and in the middle of the area of Papua Province, Tolikara Regency is the area having many spring locations where river flows go to the north and south. Rivers found in this area are: Toli River, Konda River, Bogo River, Wunin River, Kembu River, Pun River, Kurip River, Kega River, Anggok River and Mamberamo River.

The rivers mentioned above have curve river lines and many tributaries, and a lot of mud and stone contents. Most of the areas of Tolikara Regency are not flooded with water, although there are several areas especially in the northeast of the regency still flooded with water.   Based on results of the observation in the field/study area, it can be known that the condition of water sources (surface water and shallow groundwater) is quite good; the rivers flowing all the year round continue to have water with a relatively large volume and continuously. Such water sources can be made a source of raw water for agriculture and clean water. So, it can be concluded that the carrying capacity of water has potential for agricultural 3& cultivation development.